What Is Latency and Its Causes?


Latency is the measure of the amount of time it takes your system and other devices to respond when you take actions like clicking a link. Many people don’t notice any difference in their Spotify listening or video streaming however gamers may experience problems due to the latency. Satellite internet offers greater precision than wired connections. This means they may experience slower performance when playing games due to high loss rates.

The term “latency” refers to the gap between what your input feels like (in this instance, an anchor) and how fast that is delivered to other users. So it is a factor to consider if you’re playing video games or watching YouTube video online, then the Latency could affect the responsiveness of your device because there’s a chance for things not being 100% exact with regards to timings based upon the speed of their fiber optic cables, which brings them into our homes to feel them in person.

What’s the reason for Latency?

Latency is a real pain factor for gamers as well as other End-users that want to watch their favorite content on mobile devices. The latency of your device is influenced by the distance between your computer and server. Additionally, Wi-Fi strength or type could affect the speed. Also, you can have an impact on the type of router and modem combination you use There are a variety of options! Be prepared if it seems complicated at first.


It’s the time it takes for information to travel from one spot within space to another. This is how far your system is from the server(s) which are supplying the information requested by your device. If the distance isn’t enough, then you’ll notice an increase in latency.

Propagation Delay

Propagation delay is a key element in determining the time it takes to browse on your device or computer. It can also impact other measurements such as speed of download, upload speeds and wireless connectivity.

Internet Connection Type

There are major differences in latency among internet connections. Cable and DSL have less time to download, while fiber has the highest average. Satellite tends to be slower due to its architecture which requires more space for transmission. This results in more wait times and a greater capacity for buffering on websites you need access to music videos or files.

What’s on a Website?

Ever clicked on a link but waited to wait for the page to load and then clicked it again? That is because someone was trying too hard on their Angelfire page. It was glued with The Office memes, so every time you go to it it takes more time than usual.

The browser on your computer must download large files, including videos, or HD images when you go to a site. Also, if they’re hosted on an external server located far from the location you’re currently browsing right now, there might be some delays due to the distance.

For more information, click high latency

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