The Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana


You can use medical marijuana to treat certain ailments and diseases. While it’s the same product that is used in recreational marijuana medical marijuana is, it has distinct effects. This could be helpful in managing nausea and pain due to cancer treatments. For its effects on humans marijuana, it is the most extensively researched natural substance. Three of the 100+ substances discovered in marijuana have been investigated and determined. They comprise THC (a psychoactive component) as well as cannabidiol or CBD. These compounds don’t produce altered-state effects like the high. Instead, they help relieve symptoms such as pain and promote peace and relaxation, without anxiety.

What is medical marijuana employed to treat?

Researchers are studying the possibility of medical marijuana being used to in the treatment of a range of conditions like:

– Anxiety Disorder

– Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis

– Autism

– Remission Therapy for Cancer

– Crohn’s disease

– There is a neurological sign that there has been damaged to the nerve tissues of the central nerve system (brain-spinal chord) and it is caused by intractable spasticity.

– Dyskinetic disorders and spastic muscle disorders

– Epilepsy

– Glaucoma


– Huntington’s disease

What’s the purpose?

There are a variety of chemical constituents which comprise medical marijuana. Cannabinoids are only one of the groups which can be found in this plant and they have many potential benefits for humans as well! Cannabinoids interact in a variety of ways with our bodies. For instance, they decrease inflammation, anxiety, and pain. They also assist in controlling nausea associated with chemotherapy treatments. Further research is underway to discover the mechanism of medical marijuana.

Medical marijuana may be able to help seizure disorders?

In light of the increasing reports about people successfully controlling seizures using a specific form of cannabis, FDA recently approved Epidiolex an extract made of CBDused as a treatment for people suffering from severe or hard to treat illnesses. A number of people who took the drug had dramatic decreases in their seizures. These individuals also reported significant improvements in other metrics, such as alertness or the quality of their lives. Medical marijuana is not without risks, but it could offer hope for people who haven’t been in a position to get relief from conventional treatment.

FDA has approved medical marijuana

Medical marijuana has been a source of controversy for many years. Some people believe that medical marijuana offers medicinal benefits while others fear it may be used in a way that isn’t safe. Medical marijuana is supported by increasing evidence. Furthermore to this, the FDA has approved two of the man-made cannabinoid remedies Drovanol (Marinol, Syndros) and Nabilone (Cesamet) to treat nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy. Also FDA has recently approved a medicine that has a purified type of CBD, a substance that is found in the cannabis plant. The drug is prescribed to treat seizures that are caused by two extremely rare and serious forms epilepsy. While further research is required to determine the full extent of the medical benefits of cannabis, these new developments suggest that marijuana may in the future have a major role to play in treating various conditions. Although there is still a lot of controversy surrounding medical marijuana, it is important to remember that it can be used to help those who are struggling with serious medical conditions.

For more information, click Medical marijuana card

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